(it's a little busy, but her Barbie is beside her)
(it's a little busy, but her Barbie is beside her)
This is Millie trying to attack Pim (panda that teaches Italian)
We don't have A/C, so pardon the "diaper" only pics. I promise Millie has cute clothes :)
Yes, YOU!
Apparently it's no longer safe to leave your napkin anywhere near her.
I'm positive she ate a good bit of it, too.
Sweet enough to cuddle with me at her first professional sporting event!
Here we are at Rio Tinto Stadium watching the Real Salt Lake Soccer Team.
What? You still don't think Millie can be scary?
Watch this little video. At the end she'll give you a taste of her favorite scream.
Watch this little video. At the end she'll give you a taste of her favorite scream.
I say favorite because she loves to do it while shopping, at home, and even at church.
As a matter of fact, Millie let out a few screams during Sunday School and scared the baby next to us to the point of tears!
She gets camera shy, so this video doesn't do her scream justice :)
Some updates:
As a matter of fact, Millie let out a few screams during Sunday School and scared the baby next to us to the point of tears!
She gets camera shy, so this video doesn't do her scream justice :)
Some updates:
- Millie now eats avocado, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, green beans, and of course rice cereal. She's also tried bread and Cheerios. She only managed to eat half of one Cheerio though.
- We finally got in touch with the early intervention people here in Utah. We had a caseworker and nurse come over to evaluate Millie. They were really impressed with her, but recognized she needed some help with her back-arching and head-scooting. We're waiting for a therapist to come by and evaluate, then we'll know if we "qualify" for help.
- Good news! I've had an extremely hard time being a working Mom. I could almost write a book about how hard it is. My heart goes out to anyone that has to do it (if they would rather not). As a result of my hard times, I asked for permission from work to work from home two days a week...and they said "yes!" So now I'll be able to do things around my home, keep my sanity, and keep my job.
Overall things are great in the Bagwell home!
P.S. Millie is ten months old :) Only two months left to plan her first big party!