Tuesday, May 5, 2009


For Family Home Evening last night, Buck and I finally hiked the famous BYU "Y" on the mountain. This is a view of Provo from the top.
This is the massive "Y." Why the "Y" you ask? The original intention was a huge "BYU", but after the intense completing of the "Y", "B" and "U" were postponed and later the whole idea was abandoned. It's so huge, I have no trouble understand why they gave up!

Can I just say, this "easy" hike is completely different from "easy" hikes in South Carolina. I had to take at least 3 breaks on my way up! The sad part is that I run almost every day too. At times it is extremely steep, and walking down isn't as easy as you'd think. Kudos to those fellow BYU people that hike it regularly.

1 comment:

  1. Niki you look amazing! I don't know what you're talking about asking for forgiveness from your glasses photos. You look beautiful, (as usual)! I miss you SO much. How did you find my blog? I'm just glad ya found me. I need your e-mail address so I can keep up with you better. Sorry I have a feeling this comment will be more like an e-mail. lol. Get back to me so we can catch up. My e-mail address is K_HWalter@hotmail.com. The fam is good but let me know about what y'all are up to. =)
