Thursday, February 10, 2011

North of the Mason-Dixon Line

It has taken all my willpower to not spill the beans.

I've finally got Buck's permission, so here it goes:

We're moving to Connecticut!

I feel better already.  I'm sure many of you are confused, so I guess I'll explain a little more.

We had originally planned on moving to Charlotte this summer, and even had a job lined with with PwC there.  Buck was nominated by BYU to apply for a one year position for the FASB (Financial  Accounting Standards Board) in Connecticut, so we decided to take a chance and apply.  Doing this one year thing puts him possibly on a sort of different career path and could open new doors for us.  He applied, interviewed, and was one of the six (soon to be) recent graduates accepted!

To mark the occasion, here he is opening his offer from the FASB.

Each accounting firm values employees that have had experience with the FASB, so PwC was more than happy to basically defer his offer.  While he's there, he'll be recruited by firms all over again, but mostly for transaction services instead of audit.  We know that if he wants to go with transaction services we'll end up in a major US city after this one year opportunity, but if he has his heart set on audit after the year in Connecticut we could return to Charlotte.  We will take a look at our options in a year I suppose, and keep y'all posted on what we decide.  You'll need to know where to send our Christmas cards to anyways.

So come visit!  We'll be somewhat near New York (train ride away), and we're looking hard for a small house to rent.  I would give nearly anything to have a yard for Millie and I to play in, a large enough parking spot to pull her easily out of the car, a dishwasher, and a washer/dryer!  I would seriously consider not getting a cell phone if I thought it would save us enough money.  My sister would seriously consider killing me though.  Drives her crazy I don't have one.

Just when we thought we were finished with snow...

So exciting!


  1. Wow! Congrats you guys! We're happy for you all. That's something to look forward to, and you get to leave the Utah County "bubble" :)

  2. Congratulations! Connecticut is such an awesome place; you'll have to let us know if you end up in Jason's parents' ward. What a fantastic opportunity for you guys :)

  3. Yay! & yeah...don't give up the cell phone. It's cheaper than a house phone...right? It's ANNOYING!! =)

  4. congratulations you guys!! That's awesome news. it will be a new place to learn but what a great opportunity!! i'm so happy for y'all. now you guys can really learn how to bundle up. :) when will you be moving?

  5. Wow...I am happy for you guys, but sad that you are not coming to Charlotte!! Congrats!!

  6. I've been lurking on your blog for quite some time (since Milli was a wee one). It popped up when researching some topic long ago and I've been hooked.

    The irony in the earlier posts and this one is that - I grew up in Charlotte and have lived the past 11 years in CT.

    So here's an early welcome to the Nutmeg State. Keep the posts of that sweet girl coming.
