Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Halloween

This year we took a big bite out of Halloween:

I think she thought her little pumpkin was fruit.  Gross.

One of the play groups this month was going to a "farm" (really just a done-up nursery but Millie didn't notice) for fall fun.

She loved the hay ride, just not the sitting down part.  Typical Millie.

I turned my back for one second and Millie ran full speed ahead into the "maze."  It was so cute seeing her little hair above the hay.  In this picture she's climbing up the side a little.

Even though she got in the way of a few bigger (and eager to be faster) children, she survived.  She's an explorer and never afraid to run around and see what she's missing.

We just got back from trunk-or-treat at church.  My initial costume plan didn't work out, and since Millie and I were a little under the weather today I didn't want to go out shopping for a costume.  At the last second (well, really a few hours before) we came up with a simple costume for Millie.

Cindy Lou Who

I think the costume turned out really cute, but no matter how many pictures I took I couldn't capture the complete cuteness.  You'll just have to take my word for it.

Trunk or treat was so busy, dark, and cold I wouldn't say Millie enjoyed it all that much.  I really don't think she understood people were giving her candy.  We didn't end up with quite the loot we were hoping for.  We only ended up with one Reese's cup!  Oh well, less candy I'll be forced to eat.

Buck and I are going to a Halloween party tomorrow night, and will be wearing another thrown-together costume.  Since we are new to the neighborhood I have no idea if we'll get trick-or-treaters on Monday.  So basically we are pretty much wrapped up with Halloween which means...

time to plan Millie's Birthday Party/Thanksgiving/Black Friday!

Did you hear we are supposed to get snow tomorrow?  Yikes.  How am I supposed to hold off on Christmas music with snow falling outside?  Who am I kidding.  I won't.  It starts playing November 1st.


  1. Don't hold off....I've totally already started playing Christmas music in the safety of my own car! Then, Nov 1st, it will start in our HOUSE! haha

  2. The cuteness was totally captured! How fun!

  3. aww. i love the costume. we didnt get a big candy stash either- not even with two kids. oh well guess itll do.

  4. OMG, she is the perfect cindy lou who and great job for thinking of that idea Niki! :) So cute. I just love that picture of her peeking over the hay maze. She's growing up!!!
