Monday, April 28, 2014


April was the month we've been waiting for and lived up to all we hoped it would be. We officially feel all thawed out. After the winter we had we weren't sure that would ever happen.

For some reason I felt like going all out for April Fools this year. I think it's now Millie's new favorite holiday. We loved playing tricks on people (plastic bugs in shoes and on pillow cases) and eating tricky food. For dinner we had meatloaf cupcakes with mashed potato frosting, candy peas and carrots (Jelly Belly makes some), Jello "juice" and a chocolate cake decorated to look like a pot of chili for desert.

We co-hosted an adorable Preschool Easter egg hunt at our house the day before we left for Hawaii. We had a sack race, egg on a spoon race, hunt, lunch and decorated eggs. Everything went smooth and I'm so happy I agreed to do it. It's nice to stretch those entertaining muscles after a winter of keeping to ourselves.

We had a blast in Hawaii!

We're so thankful our Moms made the big drive to come watch our kids. Having many hands keeping an eye on them really put my mind at ease. We know young kids aren't easy to take care of, and really appreciate their willingness and enthusiasm to take care of our babies. For the record we thought about our children constantly. It was hard being away from them, but so lovely to have that adventure together.

A few hours after we got home Louis got very sick. That was Easter weekend, and since he was in good spirits we continued on with our plans on Saturday to get together with KC's family. Of course everyone wants to snuggle poor little Louis. See where this is going? Our handsome little man managed to spread his stomach bug to all but two people. By Sunday nigh this stomach bug had spread to four households! We had to pass on doing an egg hunt and just work on making sure everyone had an empty bucket beside them. Thankfully it passed pretty quickly and we're all back to normal now.

Now that we really feel thawed out we had a truly spring weekend. We did yard work! That's 1,000x better than shoveling snow, trust me. Buck cut the grass, we ripped out some rose bushes and bough peonies to go in their place. We also had Millie pick out some flowers to put in her fairy garden and planted those. We like this no-snow thing we've got going on.

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