Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Miss New Year: Happy 6 Weeks Millie!

The results are in!
Millie can't believe she won Miss New Year.
Just like when she was born, she likes to wave to her adoring fans.

Her formal outfit:

Her Talent:
I know, I know. My child is advanced. Clearly she's trying to crawl right out of that bed.
Happy 6 weeks Millie! You little chunker, you.

Health Updates:
  1. Millie now weighs 2 lbs 10 ounces, and is 14 inches long.
  2. She has progressed to eating half formula, half pedialite every 3 hours. Her food amount was increased, but then taken back down to the starting amount.
  3. We still have no idea what is going on with her digestive situation. She has had countless tests with no results that lead us to a conclusion (or even a clue). All we know is what she doesn't have wrong with her.
  4. Obviously Millie is now on a new breathing machine, Nasal CPAP. This happened yesterday about 2 PM and as of this morning she is still going strong. This is our 2nd attempt to get her on this machine. It is basically the same thing people with sleep apnea sleep with, only smaller. I call it her elephant trunk. It looks worse, but it is much better for her.
  5. We were able to give her a real bath on Sunday! We technically aren't supposed to do that until she gets her PICC line out (on her head), but we had a nurse and therapist that wanted to give it a try. She LOVED it, and we did too.

We're so proud of our little girl. We love her and can't wait to bring her home.


  1. Awesome!! I'm so glad to hear she is doing so well! I absolutely love her darling little clothes!! Where did you get those??

  2. I love her outfit. It's darling! She's lucky to have you Niki as a mama; she'll be a stylist little girl! She's getting so strong... yay!!

  3. Oh my goodness!!!! I love the trick! I think she had to show us all just how strong and tuff she is even as a princess! That is so great that she can have some formula now....I can tell she's ready to go home too!

  4. OH I love it! She is so cute, and strong too ;)

  5. She is so ridiculously cute.

  6. Yay! She's doing so great. And as usual she looks amazing. I'm LOVING that outfit! I LOVE reading your blog Niki. You make me laugh, you make me cry, and I'm loving the pictures. I'm so glad y'all can hold her now. Here's to more "splat"!

  7. I am so amazed at how well she has done! She now weighs the same amount that Aden did when he was born but she definitely looks a lot chunkier than he ever did! She truly looks so good and is such a little miracle.

    The CPAP is a good thing. She is progressing right on schedule. I love the way you have chosen to blog and your wit and humor is perfect Niki fashion!!
    Your baby girl is quite advanced I agree! She is so strong!
