Friday, December 4, 2009

Happy 10 Days Millie!

Isn't she a beauty? She LOVES tummy time.

For kicks we tried Buck's wedding ring on her. She just looked like she needed a little jewelry!

It makes sweet little bracelet for Millie.

When she was born, our doctors explained some of the milestones we should be waiting for. The first one was the 48 hour mark, and the second one was the 10 day mark. That's today, hooray!

She's doing great! She looks healthier all the time. We are planning on trying to feed her more milk this weekend. Other than that, we hope her weekend is uneventful and full of rest.

Happy 10 days Millie! We love you!


  1. after the ring pic i glanced at my finger to judge the size of her arm. tiny tiny i cant stop crying now. Happy 10 days Angel Niece!

  2. That is sooooo great!! Yay Millie!! JJ loved tummy time too!! She looks so cozy!

  3. I just can't wait for her to open her eyes!!! Well, and to see her!

  4. Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!
